Once you see the numbers you can't unsee them.

In fact, the numbers are so compelling that we built a spreadsheet to allow you to input your data, as you are the CEO of you!

Before we get to the numbers here is a quick story that happened at lunch with my step-daughter, Brianna and my grandson.

Brianna said she came across a reel teaching people to be a Virtual Assistant for $3,000 upfront.

Me: Is there anything compelling people to buy? Like a Federal mandate?

Brianna: No

Me:  How big is the buying universe and how much does it grow by each day?

Brianna: I don’t know.

Me: So, its probably not 63M with 11,000 + new a day coming in, and a definite buying season?

Brianna:  I don’t think so.

Me:  How much can you make per month?

Brianna:  About $20/hour so like $3k for a month if you work a ton.

Me:  $700 or so per hour seems better to me.

Me:  What about recurring income – do you get paid over and over again?

Brianna:  No.

Me: Can you get paid for work that other people do?

Brianna:  Well, no – unless you hire folks and pay them  – no.

Me:  Do you know anybody personally that earns over $1M a year doing it?

Brianna:  No.

Me:  What is the value of the business at the end if you wanted to sell it?

Brianna:  I don’t know, probably not that much.

Me:  So they sell you something and wish you good luck – its not like a situation where everybody has skin in the game?

Brianna:  They help me, but no.

Me:  What are they charging?

Brianna:  $3000 upfront

Me: So, our $197 deal that we are offering Middle Aged folks seems like a steal, huh?

Me:  Numbers don’t lie.

Me:  Can just 1 connection change your financial situation – today and ongoing?

Brianna:  I don’t see how.  I’ve gotten the point. Your grandson wants some of your cookies…

Senior Health Market by the Numbers

  • 63 million of Americans are enrolled in Medicare as of July 2023
  • 11,000 new people a day turn 65 years old and are eligible for Medicare.
  • Annual Election Period is October 15th-December 7th each year.
  • $950B is the amount of Federal money flowing into the system as of 2024 and growing.
  • The average client refers 3-4 new clients.

Commissions & Revenue Projections

The Senior health distribution system is different than virtually any other insurance opportunity. It allows:

A.  A direct-to-consumer sale, earning commissions for both initial and renewal policies.

B.  A hierarchy system which allows you to appoint agents and get an ongoing override.

C.  A&B, Have your cake and eat it too!


Creating an Asset You Own

In insurance terms, everything you do is creating a “book of business”. So, that creates commissions, possible overrides, and the ability to sell that asset or transfer it to your family as you desire.

Real life numbers:

Retail – take 2.5 times your gross income. That is the rough value of the book of retail business.

Downline -Take 5 to 7 times or more of your downline overrides.

No need for a pencil, paper, and a calculator. Our proprietary spreadsheet does all the math for you, so you can put in numbers year by year and see your income and long-term wealth build.

Bonus Strategy

Earlier in the real-life discussion I had with Brianna, I asked about the value of one life-changing connection.

Senior health insurance is purchased based on Trust. Whoever has the most Trust wins. Now think about people you know in your community that have large client/patient blocks and already have trust.

Remember when I said that AEP is 57 days long? From October 15th-December 7th each year. So, no matter how you slice it, it’s 57 days or 1368 hours long. That’s it!

Real life scenario:

A. Retail: We formed a strategic relationship with one local chiropractor. He has 1617 patients either turning 65 or over 65 years of age.

B. Downline: Because we couldn’t make more time, we appointed our CPA practice as a downline producer, they write their own clients. They have all the trust. They have 1857 clients tat are becoming 65 years or older and growing.

So, for 1,000 of their clients, they pick up an income stream over $400k a year.  The override is over $130k from just one relationship, year after year.

There are over 97,000 chiropractors in the country and 600,000 CPA’s and this is just one example.


RCM Spreadsheet

Use the below spreadsheet to input your data to see how the numbers don’t lie and why this program is so compelling!