Rock In Your

Get Excited For The Next Chapter of Your Life

We are revolutionizing the way retirees earn money! 

We bring $1M a year earners together to teach you a skill to take away financial worry for the rest of your life.

Are you in your 50’s or 60’s and wondering what the next chapter of your life will look like? Have you worked your entire adult life and taken care of everyone else to be left with little for yourself? Are you lying awake in bed at night concerned that:

  • The world has passed you by and you have run out of purpose and passion.
  • You do not have any viable, sustainable income opportunities.
  • The crushing cost of medical bills and long-term care costs will bankrupt you.
  • You are going to run out of money in your retirement, leaving your loved ones with the financial burden.

These are TRUTHS for a lot of us.

The Status Quo

  • 89% of middle-aged Americans are worried they will run out of money during their retirement.
  • Only 22% of adults in the U.S. have more than $5,000 saved in retirement.
  • 15% report NO retirement savings at all.
  • 23% of boomers have NO cash whatsoever saved to cover an emergency.
  • The average middle-aged person has a monthly shortfall of $1500 – $2000.

Furthermore, the market lacks meaningful work during retirement. Individuals are stuck with transactional roles, forcing them to trade precious time for money.

Show Me The Money!

Average commission on new business – $611.00

Average commission on renewal business – $306.00

(National average 2024 for NJ)

There is a $900B+ Annual Pool of Funding You are Entitled to Tap Into!

We decided to turn the status quo on its head. Rocking Chair Millionaires is the first and only platform of its kind that brings together million-dollar earners in the Medicare industry with middle aged folks looking for an opportunity to create sustainable recurring revenue.
  • We leverage the power of the 1 Trillion-dollar Medicare and Senior Health insurance market to create financial opportunities for retirees.
  • Our proprietary platform brings together $1M+ a year earners with retirees to help them earn substantial, steady recurring income during their golden years.
  • We have diversified revenue streams and leveraged societal changes and new technologies to remain essentially recession proof.
  • You have access to all training, learning materials and modules.
  • Regain power, control, and hope over your finances and future.